
Cherith Brook Update

It’s been a strange winter! Snow melts then more comes in small amounts of one or two inches. We didn’t get more than six inches at one time, which normally we get at least two feet!

Granted I’m not complaining – it’s just different and when we think the last of the snow has gone, more arrives.

My husband’s book Grace in Plain Sight; The Power of Agape has been making the rounds and we have been asked to come speak in California. We leave April 1st and will be gone for over three weeks. He will be speaking at two different churches and doing a three day seminar on Grace also.

We went over to the coast for five days to get some appliances and countertop for the new cabin. Craigslist is our go-to. The saying “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure” is so true. In our trendy society remodels abound and we found a really nice propane oven!

It was also a great time of reconnecting with some of our long time friends on Whidbey Island. Although many have moved away, we were able to see some of those who remain.

Mark was asked to speak at a home fellowship and it was so awesome to share the message of Grace with some new faces.

We were able to see my dad and his new wife and have a great time with them. I had a short visit with my sister, who is recovering from a knee replacement. We didn’t want to overwhelm her because she had just had the surgery a few days before, so we stayed for only an hour. It wasn’t near enough time with her as we miss each other’s company so much.

We also got to witness a woman coming to Christ at the church we visited that Sunday. What a fantastic story that is! It’s long, but I’ll try to keep it brief. Many years ago, I was in a Bible study with a desperate mom who asked for prayer for her struggling daughter. She wanted the daughter to come to Christ as she had been doing drugs and drinking alcohol. This daughter also had a brain tumor.

All the ladies gathered around her and prayed that she would come home (she lived in a southern state) and that she would give her life over to Jesus.

A short time later, that’s exactly what happened. She moved home and came to know Christ!

Now fast forward to last Sunday…I was talking with the lady who had just accepted Christ and her friend was sitting beside her. Her friend had given her life to the Lord a few weeks before. As we were chatting, her friend mentioned how the testimony of a certain woman touched her so much and she knew what she had to do. Which was turn her life around and give her life to Christ. (This lady had been homeless, drinking, drugging, and drifting.)

When she mentioned the name of the woman who gave the testimony, I got goosebumps. The woman who’s testimony she heard was the very daughter we had prayed for years before! As a result of those prayers three lives have been transformed! (And many more I’m sure.)

I then explained how I knew the woman whose testimony she heard because we had been informed that her family had started attending that church and was asked to share how she came to Christ. What were the odds that we would be there on the very Sunday this woman would accept Jesus and talk to her friend about how she had turned to Christ?

There are no odds. It was a God-ordained moment. It encouraged my husband and I so much and we walked away full of joy in the knowledge that God hears our prayers!

If there’s someone you’ve been praying for keep asking, seeking, and knocking! It may seem hopeless, but in God we have unshakable hope!

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous one avails much.” James 5:16

Some fun soap I made! I call it “Just Beachy“. I used dried orange peels to look like the sand.

There’s Life After Suicide

The past week I’ve had the privilege of editing and finishing up a book that is very dear to me. It’s a book my mom wrote three years after my brother took his own life.

My mother sought out publishers shortly after she finished writing it. One publisher was very interested, but had already published a work that year on death, so they wanted to wait. Well, needless to say her book never got published.

She did end of printing off several copies and taking it to a local printing shop and having them spiral bound with a plastic cover to protect it, but it cost a great deal of money and just wasn’t cost effective to do it that way.

My mom ended up passing away in August of 2020. My dad recently moved and going through all of his things he emailed me some of my mom’s writings. With new technology making self-publishing easier, I have the honor of finally finishing her book and making it available to the masses.

I must say, it’s brought back memories – both good and bad. Reading about the day that forever changed our lives has brought tears to my eyes. However, being on this side of things it’s also been encouraging.

I saw my parents bring hope to the hurting. I saw them laugh again. They got to experience grandchildren and all the joy they bring. My dad has seen and experienced his great grandchildren and will soon meet one more that is on the way!

Please join me in prayer as this book will be available soon, that it will touch those whose lives have been affected by the death of a loved one via suicide.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5



“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.” Proberbs 18:22

My son has found himself a bride!! We are so excited for this union. Rebecca has been a part of our family for many years now and we finally made it official!

We have been extremely busy trying to build a cabin, finish an add-on, plan a wedding, and get ready for winter.


My dad got remarried in August which was a total surprise! My mom passed away three years ago and I’ll be honest it’s been an adjustment getting used to the thought of him with another woman. However, we got to spend some quality time with she and my dad and I believe she will be really good for him. (It was cute watching them hold hands in church.)

I read this recently and I love what Dr. Laura says about marriage… “Marriage is not the end of the search for love, but the end of the search for the person to love and the beginning of learning ways to love that person.”


God Will Provide!

Wow! So much going on! I don’t know why I’m always shocked when God provides. Is it because I lack faith? Is it because I think I don’t deserve his blessings? Whatever the reason, I know He is faithful!

So, here’s a recap of what’s been happening at the property. Last year God provided a way to get a sawmill so we can make our own lumber! He also provided for us to start on two building projects. We are adding onto the girl’s cabin and starting a brand new cabin!

Putting up the first wall of the add-on!

God has also provided the manpower to help with all that’s going on. My husband has the knowledge of building, but because he broke his foot and leg awhile back, unfortunately he can’t stand on his left leg for too long without being in excruciating pain. He now oversees the projects and helps out where he can. Actually, we all help when and if we can.

It’s summer and that means lots of guests and birthdays for our family. We have a guest right now who we knew in Mexico! It’s so awesome having him here. When he arrived he said, “Man, it’s like no time has passed at all!” (We haven’t seen him in almost four years.)

Our discipleship students just finished the book Forgotten God by Francis Chan. It was amazing and we had some great discussion moments. The ladies have been doing verse studies to dive deeper into the Word and learning how to study the Bible more in-depth.

Felicity celebrating her second birthday!!

I’ve been finishing up my husband, Mark’s book and it should be ready within the next couple of weeks! It’s been a long journey, but we are so excited to have it available for others to read! The book is called Grace in Plain Sight; The power of agape.

When I look at our life I can’t help but be amazed. God provides so much beyond what I imagine or think is possible. We don’t have mansions or fancy clothes. We don’t have the latest technology or new cars. But, we have so much more than I could’ve ever thought possible. He truly is Jehova Jireh!

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” Matthew 6:26-27


More Changes…

Fourth or fifth winter…?! Life is always interesting on the mountain. Usually by this time the snow is gone and we are in the throws of spring. Not so this year. Although snow is melting and the road is clear we still have the white stuff in quite a few places and getting new snow almost every other day. Thank goodness it melts off quick!

Mark and I are switching cabins with our daughter and son-in-law. The Selah cabin (the one we built one year ago) is just better suited for their growing family. We were going to wait to make the move when the snow was completely melted but Cole dislocated his knee and the time to move is now. So, Mark and I get to be in a tiny log home! It’s perfect for us and I am learning to downsize. We are calling it Oma’s Hideaway. It is Nestled in the woods with trees all around with a view of Mt. Anne next to us. So far it’s been amazing.

Living room and kitchen with our dog, Thaddeus!

We aren’t sure yet if this is a permanent move or if it will be for a year or two until Cole and Sarah can add-on to the log cabin making it larger to fit their needs. When they built the 12×24 structure it was just the two of them. Now with two little ones in tow, it is just too tiny.

Transitions can be hard. But, I’m praying we all can make the switch without burdening the others and that we can focus on the ONE who provided for these cabins in the first place!

“…Freely you have received; freely give.” Matthew 10:8

Our new coffee table and housewarming flowers from our daughter!